Latest articles, page 18 of 58 ↓

Andrew Whitehead's avatar Andrew Whitehead

Unsettling Advent

Reflections on this Advent season and the tension between power at the expense of our neighbors versus for the benefit of our neighbors

Political Theology's avatar Political Theology

A Refiner’s Fire in Political Chaos

When, despite Scripture, unscrupulous officials continue to “oppress the hired workers in their wages, the widow, and the orphan” and “thrust aside the alien,” and a plurality of white, evangelical Christian voters endorse this behavior, how might...

Wabash Center Blog's avatar Wabash Center Blog

Enchanted Classrooms

In my family’s tradition, dreams, visons, symbols, and signs are part of our knowing, understanding, and meaning making apparatus. I grew up with nightly dinner table conversation which effortlessly included […]

ReligionProf's avatar ReligionProf

Conference Recap #SBLAAR24

The combined annual meetings of the American Academy of Religion and the Society of Biblical Literature in San Diego ( #sblaar24 ) was amazing. Upon arrival I had a chance to reconnect with old friends who were only there that first day before, and...

An und für sich's avatar An und für sich

What was theology blogging?

At the AAR this past weekend, Beatrice Marovich hosted a discussion about the decline of theology. Eventually, this evolved into a discussion of the decline of theology blogging, which was where many of us had cut our teeth intellectually — and, of...