5 Feb 2025How the U.S. adoption industry contributes to white Christian nationalism The post All Aboard the Orphan Train! appeared first on The Revealer.
The RevealerThe Editor reflects on the centrality of religion to systems throughout the world The post Editor’s Letter: To Understand Our World, We Must Understand Religion appeared first on The Revealer.
The ConversationThe Bible describes the two men meeting and sharing an instant connection.
The ConversationRitual bathing at the confluence of large rivers has long held special significance in Hindu rituals. Sangam, where the Ganga and Yamuna are believed to meet the fabled Saraswati, is the most revered.
Feminism and Religion"Seeing him in the first pew was distracting. Legs splayed in expert manspreading fashion, both arms draped unaware across either side of the backrest, belly protruding over a worn leather belt. He wasn’t a tall man, yet his sprawling body occupied...
Canopy ForumImage by Michael Kastelic from Pixabay. The following essays are reprinted and adapted on Canopy Forum in collaboration with the journal, Australian Journal of Law and Religion, a biannual electronic publication that is free and open access. Read...
Ancient Jew ReviewThese two sets of patterns—rabbinic tensions with the non-rabbinic wealthy and their involvements with charity and the working poor—are arguably complementary. Not only should the rabbis prevail in the competition with the non-rabbinic wealthy...
The ConversationWhen doctors feel unable to provide the care they believe is best for their patients, they may experience what bioethicists call ‘moral distress.’
Arc: Religion, Politics, Et CeteraAmerican law says schools must honor the Pledge of Allegiance. Schools may have other plans. The post I Pledge . . . Allegiance? first appeared on ARC: Religion, Politics, Et Cetera.
Religion and PoliticsAmerican law says schools must honor the Pledge of Allegiance. Schools may have other plans. The post I Pledge . . . Allegiance? first appeared on ARC: Religion, Politics, Et Cetera.
Religion Link
Feminism and Religion"January’s twilighthours draw meinto her pale embracestalactites and frozenstreams whisperthat winter’s skinis thin even withmonths to goflowing wateris mutedunder seeded snowunderground rootspulsewith light sleepingforest boughswake in wild...
Ken ChitwoodImage via Interfaith America. The Christmas market attacks in Magdeburg — and the heated political atmosphere that followed — have stressed a range of issues ahead of Germany’s snap...
Ken ChitwoodImage via Sojourners. “It was chaos,” sighed Stacey Hall Burge, CEO of Found House Interfaith Housing Network, which provides emergency shelter and programs for families dealing with...
Popular Culture And TheologyCall for contributions Title: Theology, Religion, and Mad Max: Rising from the Ashes Edited by: Yael Thomas Cameron, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand; Vernon W. Cisney, Gettysburg College, and Jon Hoskin, Phd. Mad Max is a...
Popular Culture And TheologyCFP: Religion, Popular Culture, and the Nineties Edited by Ilaria W. Biano Although initially dismissed as “a holiday from history” (Will), a “frivolous if not decadent decade” (Rich), and a “time of trivial pursuits” (Halberstam) (cf. Chollet and...
White Too LongJoin us for #WhiteTooLong's first LIVE 2025 event, exclusively for paid subscribers.
Du Mez CONNECTIONSThings are moving fast, as expected.
Political TheologyAll human beings (including me) are capable of dehumanizing others. Moreover, all dehumanizers (including Jesus) can change their minds. Source
Feminism and Religion"This post was originally published on July 2nd, 2012…like many of Carol’s other posts, it is eerily poignant for today. Watching the last episode of the Australian series Brides of Christ in which Catherine leaves the sisterhood of the convent...
Bible For Normal People BlogWe’re back for Season 9 of The Bible for Normal People and we’re still asking ourselves, “What is the Bible, and what do we do with it?” In this episode,... The post Episode 290: Pete Enns & Jared Byas – Biblical Criticism & the Modern Mindset...
affecognitiveVerso Press listed Anna Kornbluh’s 2024 text as one of its must-read publications of 2024, and I heartily concur. To …Continue reading →
Feminism and Religion"*Trigger warning **When I refer to Black women, I am referring specifically to descendants of African peoples that were forced to experience the dehumanization of chattel slavery in the United States. I am no different than most Black children....
White Too LongTrump’s America, innocent of any sins, is MAGA propaganda that makes a mockery of Black History Month.
Wabash Center BlogIf you teach long enough, you will teach a course that feels flat, has low morale, or even fails. While a totally ruined course is rare, there are moments when […]
Political TheologyThe renunciation of God … does not insulate you from the part played by Christianity in collective practice and public ritual Source
The Other JournalThe theological case that the gospel makes a claim upon our money and our shared economic life has already been convincingly made, for anyone with ears to hear. From Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman to Cornel West and Delores Williams, Black...
The ConversationFor years, the Supreme Court has been expanding the boundaries of government aid to religious schools. St. Isidore’s case pushes the debate into new territory.
Religion in United States HistoryTell a friend!
An und für sichThough I haven’t written much on neoliberalism lately, I still dip into the literature now and again. The next book in my queue, Robert McDonald’s Works Like a Charm: Incentive Rhetoric and the Economization of Everyday Life, has put me in mind of...
ReligionProfI read an article that sounded like more of the hype that has surrounded AI from the outset, claiming that AGI is just around the corner. AGI, as a reminder, stands for Artificial General Intelligence. It claimed that AI was already demonstrating...
Canopy ForumImage by Horst Müller from Pixabay. The following essays are reprinted and adapted on Canopy Forum in collaboration with the journal, Australian Journal of Law and Religion, a biannual electronic publication that is free and open access. Read more...
Arc: Religion, Politics, Et CeteraIn a new book, Jewish atheist Jonathan Rauch urges us back to the pews The post Did Church Once Make Us Good? first appeared on ARC: Religion, Politics, Et Cetera.
Religion and PoliticsIn a new book, Jewish atheist Jonathan Rauch urges us back to the pews The post Did Church Once Make Us Good? first appeared on ARC: Religion, Politics, Et Cetera.
American Indian Law AllianceFor Immediate Release The American Indian Law Alliance takes very seriously the safety of all Indigenous Peoples. We have seen the ICE raids directed by the Trump Administration happening across the country and have heard of reports that many...
White Too LongPlus, last call on subscription offer, sharing resources on Latinos in the election and the threat of Christian nationalism in all 50 states.
The ConversationThe Catholic Church’s Holy Years have biblical roots, but have been evolving for nearly 1,000 years.
Religion in United States HistoryThe BYU Charles Redd Center for Western Studies annual awards and funding season is upon us!
Canopy ForumSaint Mary Magdalene Church of Albi, France by Krzysztof Golik (CC BY-SA 2.0). The following essays are reprinted and adapted on Canopy Forum in collaboration with the journal, Australian Journal of Law and Religion, a biannual electronic...
Religion in United States HistoryFor 20 years, the Presbyterian Historical Society’s Research Fellowship Program has awarded annual research and travel grants to eligible scholars, students, and independent researchers in a broad range of fields including mission history, social...
Du Mez CONNECTIONSAnd our administrators
Ancient Jew ReviewThe result is a radical revision of what we thought we knew about of Babylonian Jewish society, the place of the rabbis, and the nature of their textual tradition, as illuminated by comparison with other similarly-situated minority communities...
Ancient Jew ReviewA review panel from the 2024 Association for Jewish Studies featuring scholars engaging with Simcha Gross’s award winning Babylonian Jews and Sasanian Imperialism in Late Antiquity.
Arc: Religion, Politics, Et CeteraHow a lesbian Catholic learned to love committee meetings The post I Got Synod-Pilled first appeared on ARC: Religion, Politics, Et Cetera.
Religion and PoliticsHow a lesbian Catholic learned to love committee meetings The post I Got Synod-Pilled first appeared on ARC: Religion, Politics, Et Cetera.
Political TheologyFor those of us who have experienced marginalization, are we confident that God is actively seeking the lost and rejected souls in our communities? And for those of us with social privilege, do we embody this confidence by extending love to those...
Popular Culture And TheologyBy Dr. Frank G. Bosman We are in the year 1960. The Third Reich has solidified its political, cultural, and military dominance over Europe and North America since their 1946 victory over the Allied Forces by means of nuclear technology. All...
Contending ModernitiesWhite supremacy, under the pretense of fighting antisemitism, is mounting an assault on minoritized communities. Understanding how antisemitism works is central to fighting back. The post Safety through Solidarity: A Book Launch appeared first on...
Wabash Center BlogStudent course evaluations can be fraught. Many of my friends don’t even look at theirs, either because it’s so stressful/shameful or because they don’t think there’s anything to be learned […]
Sowing the SeedThe little experiment that could is going strong into 2025. Here's a recap of our 2024 season of Off-Script: Conversations on Scriptures, Scholarship, and Our Subfield. And come learn about our new Off-Script listserv and Sowing the Seed newsletter.