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Religion and Politics's avatar Religion and Politics

I Pledge . . . Allegiance?

American law says schools must honor the Pledge of Allegiance. Schools may have other plans. The post I Pledge . . . Allegiance? first appeared on ARC: Religion, Politics, Et Cetera.

Feminism and Religion"'s avatar Feminism and Religion"

Legacy of Carol P. Christ: Of Human Life*

This post was originally published on July 2nd, 2012…like many of Carol’s other posts, it is eerily poignant for today. Watching the last episode of the Australian series Brides of Christ in which Catherine leaves the sisterhood of the convent...

Wabash Center Blog's avatar Wabash Center Blog

When a Course is Tanking

If you teach long enough, you will teach a course that feels flat, has low morale, or even fails.  While a totally ruined course is rare, there are moments when […]

The Other Journal's avatar The Other Journal

Confessions of a Rich Young Ruler

The theological case that the gospel makes a claim upon our money and our shared economic life has already been convincingly made, for anyone with ears to hear. From Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman to Cornel West and Delores Williams, Black...

ReligionProf's avatar ReligionProf

AI, Riddles, and the Jesus Seminar

I read an article that sounded like more of the hype that has surrounded AI from the outset, claiming that AGI is just around the corner. AGI, as a reminder, stands for Artificial General Intelligence. It claimed that AI was already demonstrating...

American Indian Law Alliance's avatar American Indian Law Alliance

Press Release on Immigration

For Immediate Release The American Indian Law Alliance takes very seriously the safety of all Indigenous Peoples. We have seen the ICE raids directed by the Trump Administration happening across the country and have heard of reports that many...

Political Theology's avatar Political Theology

Love Never Fails

For those of us who have experienced marginalization, are we confident that God is actively seeking the lost and rejected souls in our communities? And for those of us with social privilege, do we embody this confidence by extending love to those...

Popular Culture And Theology's avatar Popular Culture And Theology

Wolfenstein: Playing the Jew?

By Dr. Frank G. Bosman We are in the year 1960. The Third Reich has solidified its political, cultural, and military dominance over Europe and North America since their 1946 victory over the Allied Forces by means of nuclear technology. All...

Contending Modernities's avatar Contending Modernities

Safety through Solidarity: A Book Launch

White supremacy, under the pretense of fighting antisemitism, is mounting an assault on minoritized communities. Understanding how antisemitism works is central to fighting back. The post Safety through Solidarity: A Book Launch appeared first on...

Sowing the Seed's avatar Sowing the Seed

Previously on Off-Script Fall 2024

The little experiment that could is going strong into 2025. Here's a recap of our 2024 season of Off-Script: Conversations on Scriptures, Scholarship, and Our Subfield. And come learn about our new Off-Script listserv and Sowing the Seed newsletter.