Onondaga Nation received 1,000 acres back this month – one of the largest land back wins in New York State history. Onondaga Nation territory is home to people who live according to their original instructions among the woods, waters, and hills...
American Indian Law AllianceThis year we were honored to award the inaugural AILA Ally award to our friend Robert Abbott for his tireless work these last three years volunteering to walk and clean the lake by picking up refuse dumped around the lake… The post Call to Action...
American Indian Law Alliance2024 Indigenous Peoples’ Day Festival This event is made possible by the generous support of CNY Community Foundation – Free and open to the public! On Sunday, October 13th, join Onondaga community members, Tsha’ Thoñ’nhes management and staff, We...
American Indian Law Alliance✏️ Recent Highlights Thank you so much to all of our teams, vendors, and volunteers who made The Restore Our Sacred Lake 5K and Haudenosaunee Wooden Stick Festival Weekend such a success. There were so many highlights, with over 2,000… The post...
Andrew WhiteheadChristian nationalism desires a Christianity that takes what Satan offered our Savior
The Immanent FrameI have learned much from this fascinating collection of short essays. Here we find on-the-ground engagements with violence in Gaza, Christian nationalism, mass shooters in the United States, tensions between Christians and Buddhists in Sri Lanka...
Religious Studies ProjectWelcome to the Religious Studies Project Opportunities Digest! This week, you will find 28 new job opportunities, 3 fellowships, 2 grants, 5 call for papers, and 3 conferences/speakers. Everyone at RSP says thank you to all who have generously...
Sowing the SeedI don’t know if your social media feed is like mine, but I need some good news right now. Sowing the Seed is doing its part to cleanse your timeline with news of our upcoming program for graduate students and scholars of scriptures, Off-Script! On...
Contending ModernitiesReturning to Sinai after Gaza amounts to a restorative justice praxis. The post After Gaza, Standing Again at Sinai appeared first on Contending Modernities.
affecognitiveLet’s start at my local level. The Syracuse Religion department I was hired into back in 1998 had a long-standing …Continue reading →