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Untitled poem by Thomas J. O’Gorman

Face to face with our limits, Blinking before the frightful Stare of our frailty, Promise rises Like a posse of clever maids Who do not fear the dark Because their readiness Lights the search. Their oil Becomes the measure of their love, Their...

Original Free Nations's avatar Original Free Nations

The Oceti Sakowin (Great Sioux Nation) Territory

What “#LandBack” Leaves Out of Focus “A return to an earlier or normal condition” is one definition of the word “back.” In relation to land and Native nations or peoples, the word “back” is often expressed as, “they should give the land back to the...

Original Free Nations's avatar Original Free Nations

“Conquest” is Another Word for Domination

War—or the act or state of exerting violence against another—is the context for the word conquest. Another way of understanding “a conquest” is, “having achieved a victory over or triumphed over an enemy.” To triumph or surmount is ‘to gain the...

Culture on Edge's avatar Culture on Edge

When Bread Is Not Bread

What exactly is “bread,” and who gets to decide? Seems like a rather silly question, right? But the Irish Supreme Court has ruled that the US sandwich food chain Subway does not make their sandwiches with bread — which might be rather strange for...

Image Journal's avatar Image Journal

I Love You, Tricia, but I’m Not a Believer

But by the time my father had lost his skunk-patterned hair and his fingernails yellowed, I had already found more trappings of eternity in poetry than in personified abstraction. It seemed to me that the only correct response was a slow-burning...