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Craig Martin's avatar Craig Martin

Evidence for Racial Disparities in the US

Pew Research Center (2016) Median household income for blacks was 55% that of whites in 1967; the number rose to only 60% by 2014. Ira Katznelson, When Affirmative Action Was White (2005) When Social Security was signed into law by … Continue...

Culture on Edge's avatar Culture on Edge

Hot Off the Presses: Hijacked!

Just published: Hijacked: A Critical Treatment of the Public Rhetoric of Good and Bad Religion, edited by Leslie Dorrough Smith, Steffen Führding, and Adrian Hermann (Equinox, 2020). This volume is not only co-edited by our own Leslie Dorrough...

Image Journal's avatar Image Journal

The Corps of Christ

Once upon a time I thought belonging just happened, was angry or ashamed when I couldn’t experience it. But togetherness happens with practice and intention. It takes everything: pain, grief, rage, as well as my good intentions. This is even more...

Image Journal's avatar Image Journal

The Spaces In Between, in Quarantine

But quarantining inside two small rooms in a retirement village has more than the intended, necessary consequence. Quarantine is a muffler, it is a black-out shade. It is the space between a daughter and her father. The singular. The plural. The...

Image Journal's avatar Image Journal

Epic Quiet Tragedy

And then I wonder: is this the quiet that dominates the life of all those people in hiding as well? The smallness, the excessive focus on detail, the mind going around in ever smaller circles? Will deeper thoughts and grand narratives only make...

Image Journal's avatar Image Journal

Rebooting Myself

In these days of world pandemic caused by something that can’t be seen by the naked eye, I’m coming around to seeing this song as one of faith in our interconnectedness, our interconnectivity. The songs and drumming drifting down from balconies to...