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Last night's biggest loser

If you had the good fortune to skip the presidential debate last night, the CNN headline sums it up: “Biden’s poor showing and Trump’s repeated falsehoods.” There was little surprising in Trump’s performance, except perhaps that he was somewhat...

The Immanent Frame's avatar The Immanent Frame

Archaeology of a book/film

American Afterlives documents rapidly changing death practices in the U.S. while asking what this change tells us about American society today. Conceived as a kind of contemporary mortuary archaeology, it zeroes in on material practices,...

The Immanent Frame's avatar The Immanent Frame

Encounters with death in contemporary America

Pieced-together scraps from the cutting room floor — that is how anthropologist and archaeologist Shannon Dawdy describes her book American Afterlives: Reinventing Death in the Twenty-First Century. As a metaphor for all the anecdotes, details, and...

The Immanent Frame's avatar The Immanent Frame

A new American way of death

I can’t think of any scholarly projects, books or otherwise, that begin and end at the author’s grave. And certainly none that encourage the reader to get down in that dirt and dig. But that’s exactly where we find ourselves in Shannon Lee Dawdy’s...

The Immanent Frame's avatar The Immanent Frame


American Afterlives concludes with the ritualized disinterment of the author’s decomposed corpse. An archaeologist is excavating a twenty-first century cemetery, nestled in a California oak savannah. She discovers some decayed cloth and carefully...

The Immanent Frame's avatar The Immanent Frame

The Life of American Afterlives

I first became aware of Shannon Dawdy’s American Afterlives during the fall of 2019, when her friend and fellow New Orleanian, the literary scholar and Princeton author Bryan Wagner, suggested that she contact Princeton University Press about her...

Feminism and Religion's avatar Feminism and Religion

Women Fly Free by Judith Shaw

Artists tend to develop their own visual language over the course of a career, returning again and again to certain motifs. That’s certainly the case for me with trees, women and goddesses, doorways and passages, ancient symbols, flowers, and...

Doctrine of Discovery's avatar Doctrine of Discovery

Lies of Discovery

In 2016 the Vatican, recognizing the need to understand Indigenous religious protocols, invited Indigenous spiritual leaders from around the world to Rome. On May 4, eleven leaders met outside of Rome to prepare for their visit with Pope Francis....

Doctrine of Discovery's avatar Doctrine of Discovery

The theft of the commons

In North America, it’s often assumed that private land ownership not only existed in colonizing cultures but was also universally accepted. Yet English commoners fought against privatization for centuries, dying by the tens of thousands to defend...